A Partnership to Build Globalization on Campus
An EAG partnership will increase your college’s international enrollment, expand your global brand, and provide you with seasoned higher education professionals to enhance your international operations and reach a worldwide market.
Success is our top priority at EAG, and we strive to manage every facet of your project to your expectations. Our leadership team attracts and retains international students who are a strong academic match for your college — while minimizing start-up costs and risk exposure.
EAG expands our partners’ brands in two different approaches:
EAG completely manages the international recruitment for a university partner, saving them the cost and administration of full-time employees, agency networks and travel.
EAG works with the university partner’s internal recruitment team to increase current markets, target different regions, and achieve identified enrollment objectives.

“With the reputation of EAG’s senior leadership, a strategic partnership will allow us to accomplish our international enrollment objectives.”
Dr. A. DeNapoli,
Executive Dean of Undergraduate Admissions and Dean of International Affairs
Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Whether EAG works in collaboration with your internal team or acts as your sole recruitment team, we use the following recruitment models to help colleges meet their globalization objectives:
Direct Recruitment
The EAG team boasts decades of international recruitment experience. We know how to foster relationships with agencies and connect with schools abroad. Our team identifies target markets — while spending months in market each year recruiting for our partners.
Regional Offices
Outside the U.S., EAG has regional offices in China, India, Morocco, Nepal, and Taiwan. Regional office teams attend and plan activities to increase brand awareness on an international level. Our regional offices speak the local language, know the customs, and build rapport with students, parents, and agencies in their respective territories.
Agency Network
EAG’s global network consists of over 500 agencies in more than 70 countries. This productive and ethical network is filled with experienced professionals who undergo training programs to provide reliable international student recruitment. Our agency network is always building relationships with various stakeholders within a country or region.
Government Scholarships and Articulations
Navigating the enrollment of international students is becoming difficult for many colleges as they face new travel and visa regulations. EAG’s international expertise and connections — paired with our understanding of opportunities with government scholarships — generates international enrollments. EAG also assists in the development of international articulation agreements.
Lists and Agency Search Engines
EAG has strategic partnerships with organizations and list providers, with current lists totaling nearly 1.2 million college bound students. EAG uses organizations that develop online search engines for prospective international students to target students seeking information about your college. EAG works with these organizations to provide our partners with names of students interested in their university.
Account Manager
All partners are assigned a dedicated EAG Account Manager who serves as a link between your college and our robust agency network. On behalf of your college, the Account Manager will stay connected with EAG’s international applicants after their acceptance to assist with every step in the enrollment process.