
To use our extensive global recruitment and admissions expertise to assist colleges and universities to maximize their enrollment potential.

Why EAG?

It’s evident that the traditional prospective student population is rapidly changing and shrinking in an ever more competitive landscape – compounded by the increasing costs of higher education and the proliferation of alternative education models.

EAG has proven solutions to help you confront these challenges and meet your enrollment goals through improved admissions operations, creative domestic recruitment methods and implementation of an effective global outreach strategy to secure the international student population that colleges and universities desire.

Our team of well-rounded professionals – with nearly 175 years of combined expertise – include a diverse range of professionals with global experience. We offer a wider perspective with solutions grounded in corporate best practices, while remaining true to our core roots in international recruitment and admissions strategy.

Our Process

No matter how large or small in scope your project may be, our approach is consistent for every client. It’s not about checking off a list of to-do items, but more about collaborating and sharing knowledge with one another to accomplish the goals of the engagement.

Discover & Assess

We begin each project by gaining a better understanding of your thoughts and priorities. We want to discover all we can about your organization and will meet with key stakeholders to solicit input. Upon conclusion of this phase, we will identify customized areas of opportunity for your university and present formal recommendations.

Brainstorm & Strategize

Change involves thinking differently, sometimes in a direction entirely opposite of where you are heading now. Brainstorming new approaches to doing business will be our team’s charge and we will present you a customized plan of core priorities. Once the plan is agreed upon, we will develop a roadmap of strategies for implementation.

Execute & Achieve

Entering the execution stage, our team will work alongside you to ensure everything is on track. We’ll periodically measure progress to ensure all benchmarks are being met. We support an inclusive, cooperative approach throughout the engagement, which best allows us to achieve the objectives.